
Contact Us

Need to get in touch? There's a few ways you can contact us, depending on what you need.


Please don't report security vulnerabilities publicly, including on Meta. If you believe you've found a security issue, please use our support portal and use the Security request type, or email us at, mentioning SECURITY in the subject line.


Codidact is an open-source project. If you find a bug or are requesting a change, you're welcome to report an issue in our primary repository. You can also use Meta (next option). Don't worry about choosing between GitHub and Meta; we'll make sure issues and discussions end up in the right places.


If you're asking about how our sites or the organisation operates, or if you've got a feature request or a bug report, Meta is the place to do that. Post there with the details, and either the community will be able to answer or our staff can get back to you. (It's ok to use GitHub if you prefer. If something comes up on GitHub that the community should discuss, we'll bring it to Meta.)


If you need to get in touch for support with your Codidact account or something else, use our support portal, or email us at


For all other enquiries, please email